Monster musume hentai centaur manga

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While perusing the applicants, the Centaur women would give preference to the applications of the men they find visually pleasing. These 'Teasers' are chosen from a stock of cultural exchange student applications. In order to overcome this problem, at least one generation ago centaurs started using 'Teaser Males' to aid in reproduction where, during intercourse, the female would be sexually teased, or enticed, by a male that she desires as a mate, then the male Centaur mounts her when she is sufficiently aroused. While Centaur males developed into being muscular, vulgar, violent beasts who only saw raw strength as valuable, Centaur females favoured technique and became refined, though prideful, warriors.Ī polygamous marital culture, in order to continue their warrior culture, Centaurs mated with only the strongest of their race to ensure strength in the next generation, however, as the Centaur males became more crass with minds only for building their strength, Centaur women began disliking the notion of 'relations' with their male counterparts and turned to looking for more visually palatable men, such as humans, and this change in taste began to cause the centaur birth rate to dwindle. For centuries, Centaurs were a violent, militaristic race that lived around the art of combat.

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